Michelle Warren Artist

Private art tuition
For more information please contact Michelle Warren - 0439131170

Thank you everyone for liking my 'Arts-Business Page'.

For those who don't know me - 'thank you' for your support, and welcome to my little world!
I have been qualified in the arts, well over 20 years. Studied Graphic Design, Drawing, Painting, Illustrations.....and still learning.

My passion for art started at the early age of six. Loved drawing....like many six year olds!
My Dad taught me how to paint, capturing the light amongst the trees, shadows, proportion....basically "seeing!"
All throughout my Primary and Secondary years, I continued art as my electives. Pretty much the only subject I enjoyed!
So basically art has been with me my whole life. From freelancing, workshops, teaching, selling, exhibiting.....and now a 'Studio, shop frontage in Porter St, Kalgoorlie!'

My style of art?.....Illustrative!.....fun, quirky, colourful, yeah 'different!'.....with a 'Michelle Warren's touch!'
Charcoal, Pastel, Pen and Ink, Graphite are my favourite mediums to work with!

To cut a long story very, very short.....I LOVE art, teaching art is so rewarding, exhibiting art is accomplishing, selling art is a blessing....creating art is inspiring!

- Michelle Warren -
